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5 beauty and hand care tips

Do you have beautiful, soft hands? Nothing could be simpler! Here are some tips and habits to help you look after your hands every day.

gloves to protect

Our Hands Care tips are constantly in demand, and we sometimes mistreat them... This can have consequences for their appearance. Prevention is better than cure, so remember to protect your hands! Gloves are your best friend. Cleaning to do? Put on your rubber gloves to avoid contact with household products. Does your garden need tending? Get out the gardening gloves and avoid scratches! Is it freezing cold outside? A pair of mittens or gloves will keep your hands warm. Use skin-friendly products wherever possible. For example, when doing your laundry by hand, choose Lenor Envolée d'Air fabric softener for delicately scented linen and respected hands.

Soap for cleaning

We can't stress this enough: it's essential to wash your Hands Care tips regularly with soap. Door handles, light switches and even elevator buttons are all potential sources of germs. Wash your hands several times a day, especially before eating, to keep them clean. You'll also get rid of ink stains and other dirt: ideal for beautiful hands!

A scrub to exfoliate

There's nothing like a good scrub to keep your Hands Care tips looking their best! You can buy one in the shops or make your own. If you opt for the latter, mix vegetable oil or honey with brown sugar and lemon juice. The vegetable oil or honey will keep your hands soft. Brown sugar will help remove dead skin cells. Finally, lemon juice will improve the appearance of your nails. To use, simply apply the hand scrub and massage in circular motions. After a minute or two, rinse off with lukewarm water. Ideally, use this hand treatment once a week.

Une crème pour hydrater

Comment avoir des mains douces ? En les hydratant bien sûr ! Ayez toujours avec vous un tube de crème hydratante pour les mains, et n'hésitez pas à en appliquer dès que vous en ressentez le besoin. L'hydratation se fait aussi de l'intérieur, alors veillez à boire suffisamment d'eau chaque jour. Vos mains, mais aussi tout votre corps, vous en remercieront !

Une manucure pour briller

Au bout des doigts, il y a... les ongles ! Rien de tel qu'une jolie manucure pour avoir de belles mains. Il est temps de prendre un moment pour soi et de sortir son vernis à ongles préféré. Rouge, turquoise, violet, voire arc-en-ciel si le cœur vous en dit ! Et si vous avez besoin d'inspiration, découvrez comment réaliser une french manucure originale .

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