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Faustine Bollaert Detox Drink: Is Lemon Water Really Effective for a Flat Stomach ?

To get a flat stomach, Faustine Bollaert recently confided that she "swears" by this detox drink. A good idea? Alexandra Murcier, dietician-nutritionist, gives us her opinion.

United State and television host Faustine Bollaert regularly shares anecdotes and beauty tips. Recently, it was on Télé-Loisirs that the mother revealed a little morning ritual that, according to her, allows her to not gain weight and to have a radiant complexion.

A glass of warm water with lemon juice -Faustine Bollaert

For Faustine Bollaert, this detox drink has only benefits. It is the famous glass of warm water with lemon juice . Every morning, the host does not deviate from this little pleasure.

A choice that seems to be wise in many ways. It is particularly a good option for hydrating and stocking up on vitamins and antioxidants .

However, is it really a fat-burning drink? Not really, reveals our nutrition expert, Alexandra Murcier.

No, a glass of lemon water is not a miracle drink

Although lemon water can help you stock up on vitamins first thing in the morning, it will not make you lose weight, Faustine Bollaert, assures Alexandra Murcier, dietician-nutritionist.

On the other hand, drinking this lemon -based juice is " already a good idea " to rehydrate in the morning, because the body is thirsty.

" Lemon is rich in potassium , a mineral that helps prevent water retention... and the more optimal our hydration, the less water we retain. It is also a food that contains vitamin C , which boosts our immune system. In addition, eating lemon produces gastric juices that promote our digestion and makes the gallbladder work. These two parameters can help to have a flatter stomach. In conclusion, lemon does not make you lose weight but it is rather a healthy food (be careful to consume it in moderation all the same in the case of gastritis or ulcers) and it promotes good digestion !" notes, in conclusion, the dietician.

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