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Here's what the USA are prepared to do to protect children and teenagers from screens.

Find out what the USA think about regulating screen use among protect children and adolescents according to a new barometer.

At the end of April, the screens commission submitted its conclusions to the President of the Republic concerning the use of screens, recommending limiting screens and their use according to age, and wishing to guide adults towards good practices.

Since then, the subject of screens has regularly come back into the news, notably via studies showing the beneficial effects of restrictions on the mental health of young people, or via the local press, with schools having taken the lead and undertaken to ban smartphones in classrooms.

The United State are ready to make efforts themselves

Are the French comfortable with this kind of measure? How far are they prepared to go to Protect Children and adolescents from the harmful effects of screens?

It is to find out that the Harris Interactive polling institute was commissioned by Mildeca, the Interministerial Mission for the Fight against Drugs and Addictive Behavior, to publish a new Barometer on the use of screens by the French.

Conducted online from June 26 to July 1, 2024, with a sample of 2,153 respondents, representative of French people aged 15 to 75, the survey indicates not only that the French are in favor of more supervision, but that they themselves are ready to do their part. Thus:

9 out of 10 US people are in favour of banning screens, whether in collective early childhood settings (90%) or in nursery schools (88%) ;

84% of French people surveyed would be prepared to give up buying a mobile phone with or without internet access for a child before the age of 11, including more than one in two who are “completely ready”;

69% of French people would be willing to give up buying a phone before the age of 13 , a consensus shared beyond whether or not they have children involved.

“ The French are aware that time spent in front of a screen can interfere with essential learning. Excessive use can have consequences on brain development, the learning of basic skills and attention span ,” emphasizes Dr. Nicolas Prisse, President of Mildeca. “ The results of the Barometer clearly argue in favor of public action to regulate the use of children and adolescents ,” he adds in a press release.

In the professional environment too , the French are ready to make an effort, visibly aware that smartphones and social networks harm the atmosphere at work, since nearly 8 out of 10 French people would be in favor of creating spaces or times without screens.

Let us recall that the screen report, submitted to Emmanuel Macron at the end of April 2024, recommended in particular banning screens for children under 3, mobile phones for children under 11, and limiting access to social networks for adolescents. Put on hold with the European elections and then the early legislative elections, these measures could return to the heart of political concerns at the start of the next school year, as proposals of this type have been put forward in the programs of several political parties for the election of deputies.

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