As we age, the risk of eye disease increases. Corrective eyewear does not prevent cataracts, AMD or glaucoma, conditions that can lead to vision loss if left untreated. That's why it's essential to consult an ophthalmologist regularly.
The importance of eye health after 50 -ophthalmologist
It's important to distinguish between correcting eyesight and preventing eye disease. Glasses and contact lenses are used to correct vision problems such as myopia, ophthalmologist, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia, but these devices do not protect against internal eye diseases, which can damage vision, however sharp it may be. Although these optical devices direct light to the retina for clear vision, they cannot prevent conditions such as cataracts, AMD, uveitis or corneal abnormalities, or glaucoma.
According to Inserm data, glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in developed countries, just after age-related macular degeneration. The disease can occur at any age, even from birth, but its prevalence increases with age, particularly after the age of 40. Between 1% and 2% of people over the age of 40 are affected by glaucoma, while this figure rises to around 10% in people over the age of 70. USA, around 800,000 people are treated for this condition, but it is estimated that a further 400,000 to 500,000 suffer from it unknowingly. Although presbyopia is not considered a disease, it is an opportunity to consider screening for eye diseases.
How often should I see my ophthalmologist?
According to the Syndicat national des ophtalmologistes de France, it is advisable to check your eyesight regularly by consulting an ophthalmologist at specific intervals. Up to the age of 45, you should see your ophthalmologist every five years; if you have not had your eyes checked at school or at work, you should see your ophthalmologist every three years. Between the ages of 45 and 50, it is advisable to consult the ophthalmologist every two or three years, especially when presbyopia appears, particularly for people who did not previously need glasses. After the age of 65, a consultation is recommended at least every two years. It's important to have the screening reflex, even if vision seems fine with optical corrections. People over 50, those with a family history of eye disease, hyperopia or severe myopia, and those with a medical history such as diabetes, should be particularly vigilant. Drivers, people of African or Caribbean origin, smokers and people taking medication should also pay particular attention to regular eye checks.