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How to Find a Good Physiotherapist?

How can I find a good physiotherapist (patients often look for the ‘best physiotherapist near me’ or the ‘best physiotherapist in Paris’)? How do you choose an efficient and competent physiotherapist? These are questions that everyone asks when they need a good physiotherapist and don't have a lot of information. The same problem arises for lawyers, dentists and all professions where a relationship of trust is necessary. The right physiotherapist will be the one who is competent in his or her field of rehabilitation, but who also takes the time to listen to you and be attentive to your feelings.

What are the most important points in ensuring that you are treated by a good physiotherapist?

  • Have the right qualifications: Having the state diploma of masseur-kinésithérapeute issued by the Institut de formation en masso-kinésithérapie is obviously a prerequisite. However, other complementary training, such as shock waves, may also be taken into account.

  • Do not confuse physiotherapist with osteo physiotherapy: Physiotherapy is recognised as a paramedical field, responding to a need for care or rehabilitation. Osteopaths, on the other hand, are not regarded as health professionals and are therefore never covered by social security. Their training is different, and it is important to understand that one does not replace the other.

  • Having a physiotherapist who accepts emergencies is an important element because it allows better monitoring of your treatment and allows you, in the event of a blocked back for example, to not be forced to interrupt all activity for several days.

  • Regardless of the reason for your consultation, your physiotherapist must carefully analyze your case. This also involves physiotherapy massages and work on the joints and muscles, and the entire musculoskeletal system.

  • Teaching physiotherapy, being a member of scientific committees or writing articles are not essential. On the other hand, it is an additional asset attesting to the physiotherapist's involvement in his field and which further strengthens his credibility.

Within our office

Physiotherapy diagnostic assessment

It is essential to be able to successfully complete your rehabilitation. Nothing happens without the first interview and the first assessment procedures to assess your general state of health, the causes of your loss of mobility and your stiffness, the causes of your pain. These joint, muscular and skin assessments, in search of symptoms, lead to the development of a physiotherapy diagnosis. After listening to you carefully and actively, we collect the prescription or the doctor's prescription, we fill in your patient file with your vital card to be reimbursed for your physiotherapy care. This diagnosis and search for symptoms can provide a diagnosis within minutes. The more experience thephysiotherapist has, the easier it is.

A summary diagnostic assessment sheet is sent to your prescribing doctor for the proper monitoring of your treatment.

Principles and goals of treatment

The diagnosis leads to the establishment of short-term, medium-term and long-term treatment objectives. Then we establish treatment principles that must be scrupulously respected.

  • Example of therapeutic objective: achieve 120 degrees of knee flexion, hold a core position for 30 seconds.

  • Example of principle : never hurt and create pain

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