You've decided to take up sport, but you have work-related constraints. Do you have a physical or sedentary job and would like to get the most out of your physical activity without compromising your work? There are almost as many sports as there are jobs, so here are a few tips on how to choose the best sport for your job and the one that suits you best.
You're sedentary
If, like most people today, you have an office job that requires you to sit down most of the time, it's important to counteract this sedentary lifestyle.
A sedentary lifestyle puts you at risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity. So it's important to get moving, at least three 45-minute sessions a week, to stay fit and healthy.
Which sport should you choose?
Choose a cardio sport, one in which you'll sweat and exert yourself, and one that you enjoy above all else.
What's more, over time, sitting tends to curve your spine and encourage lower back pain. Choose a sport that will lengthen your back, such as running, crawl or Pilates. To improve your posture, don't forget to strengthen your abdominal muscles by doing strengthening circuits in the gym, or by regular sit-ups.
Extra tip
Remember to get up every hour to stretch your legs and have your computer workstation adapted by an occupational therapist.
You work alone or at home
Teleworking has been on the up since 2020, and despite its many advantages, it can tend to isolate you.
Are you self-employed, working alone in an office or as a postman or postwoman? Similarly, the lack of social contact can take its toll over time.
Which sport should you choose?
Consider a team sport, such as ball sports (football, volleyball, synchronised swimming) where the rest of the team is counting on you and will ask you to make a real team effort.
Would you rather not get involved? Then opt for a group sport such as dance, organised cycling outings or a Nordic walking group, for example.
You work nights
Night work disrupts the body's internal clock and encourages the development of sleep disorders, excess weight due to poor perception of hunger and exposure to irritability. Sport can help reduce these undesirable effects, provided you choose the right time to do it.
What sport should I choose and when?
For example, avoid intense sports just after work, as you run the risk of injuring yourself through exhaustion, or of going in with a heavy foot and not enjoying it.
Ideally, you should rest 6 hours before starting any cardio activity. Favour outdoor sports to take advantage of the sun and synthesise vitamin D, but also to regulate hormones that are sensitive to daylight, which you see less of than others.
You're stressed
If you have a responsible job or a demanding boss, take advantage of the sports session to find a moment for yourself, to refocus or to relieve stress.
Which sport should you choose?
Depending on what you feel like doing on the day, alternate between a gentle, calm sport such as yoga, stretching or breaststroke to relax and breathe, or a fast-paced, technical sport to relieve tension. Go for crossfit, squash or split training, to get your heart rate up, fast and strong, or for throwing sports to throw loads and get rid of the day's problems.
You work standing up, you have a physical job
If you work in sales and walk around all day, it's important to take care of your lower limbs and back so that you can get through the day.
Which sport should you choose?
Think about water sports that promote venous return, such as aqua aerobics, aquabike or even aqua trampolining - there's now a wide choice available at local swimming pools.
Walking is also a very good way of improving venous return, and is accessible to everyone, wherever they live. It's best to get away from the city to enjoy the peace and quiet and the oxygen of nature. Also remember to stretch properly during Pilates or Strechnig sessions.
If you carry heavy loads or work on a production line, you need to prevent tendinopathy and chronic pain by doing suitable strengthening exercises, working precisely on those areas that are put under strain at work. Strengthening but also stretching them will give them good endurance at work. Be careful, however, not to exhaust them during sports sessions. Weight training, body pump and boxing are just the thing for you.
Do you live by the sea?
Longe cote is the perfect sport: in the fresh air, in seawater and as part of a team, there's nothing like it for people working in noisy shops.
Whatever the case, it's important to remember that the best sport is the one you enjoy, the one you want to do and the one you're good at. That's the best way to make progress and avoid injury and fatigue.